Saturday, April 02, 2005

I'm reading (for the 4th time) Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk. I just love Chucks freaky little mind and this book has it all. Cult religion, valium addicted goldfish, mass suicide, inappropriate love interest PLUS housekeeping tips! Who knew that shaved ice will fix those carpet divots from heavy furniture? And that talcum powder lifts those pesky blood stains right out of piano keys? My next book will be a little more academic as I've joined the Sapphic readers club, so be prepared for something a little more D&M dear friends....


J said...

You know I'm a little love-hate about chuck. Or love-worried at least. I read choke and survivor and felt a little dirty for liking them so much. Do you think he's a happy and stable person? I liked the 'ye olde worlde village' that was a bit like Trainspotting in period costumes that features in choke.

Mermaidgrrrl said...

My friend who's a librarian said that reading Chuck is a bit like stepping in doggie doo on purpose, cause it makes you feel grossed out and you can't figure out why you put yourself through it to start with. But I fucking love Chuck! I love being grossed out! See my latest blog entry for the car-crash style fascination that humans have for the pain of others....