Sunday, March 05, 2006

Take back the beauty and wit you bestow upon me; leave me my own mediocrity of agreeableness and genius, but leave me also my sincerity, my constancy, and my plain dealing; 'tis all I have to recommend me to the esteem either of others or myself.
--Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) English author


meririsa said...

Hey J - what was the first name of Russ' son, and the name of his novel again? I committed it to memory for a day or two then forgot!
btw... I joined my library (finally) yesterday - not only can I use around 10 libraries in my council area, but have access to 500 online journals plus many online newspapers and Encyclopaedia Britannica, and a toy library! Seriously good resource and I'm sorry that I haven't joined up before now... can see myself spending many hours there in coming months.

J said...

Groovy! Sounds like you and bub will be at many story telling for kids events in the library :) yeah public libraries! His name is Tim Sinclair - I will review his book '9 hours north' shortly - have been meaning to give it a plug!!

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