Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Oh the Places You'll Go" Dr Seuss*

OK so my 3-month-old is too young to understand this, let alone think this is his favourite book... And I know that at this age I could be reading him the phone book and it would be just as interesting because it's all about the tone of our voices and the attention we're giving him.

HOWEVER... I can safely say this is his parent's favourite kids book for the time being.

I was given this book as a birthday present from BSharp a few years back (thanks, mate!). It was written by Dr Seuss a year or so before he died, and it's like he's trying to pass on a message: Life has it's ups and downs; sometimes you won't know which way to go, sometimes you will; sometimes you'll just have to sit and wait for things to happen. But you have your brain and your feet and you'll be just fine. All done in Dr Seuss's wonderful wacky rhyme, with accompanying primary-coloured pictures of 4 limbed creatures and Escher-like buildings.

*I seriously don't have an attention span for anything longer at present

1 comment:

J said...

I LOVE that book. I gave it as a present once too - such a rocking book. Any I'm Bub loves hearing you read something funny and happy more than he would the phone book (well even if whitepages was close second!)