Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Reading Russian Dollies

Does anybody else read several books at once? Like 6? If so, how do you do it? I tend to start one, pick up another, stop the first, read the second, until I pick up a third. It becomes this nested affair, like Russian Dollies, like Calvino’s notoriously wandering If On a Winter’s Night a Traveller. I sometimes dance back up the chain, read another chapter, keep them ticking over, but at the same time pick up more down the line. The line of nested reading that gets longer and longer. I finish one, it’s so exciting! I write out quotes from it and sometime write about it here. Meanwhile, there are brief breakout books – a book bought at an airport which I read in a day, a mystery novel or a light and easy book which is immediate satisfaction, and keeps me feeling ok about the others that decorate my rooms and refuse to be read quickly in an offhand manner. They are all quite patient. They don’t clamour to be finished. They’ve all been read many times before, by people far more exciting than me, they don’t need the reassurance and flattery of another reader, they can be taken or left. They are self-contained and require commitment and perserverence, require decent chunks of quiet time. They can not be gulped down in ad breaks or in a weary half hour before bed, or with half a mind still on work matters or relationship queries – they need a whole mind, a mind up to the task, nimble, well-rested, in top form, and keen.


BSharp said...

I definitely used to "nest" books. But now I just fang through them back to back. After not settling in here with any books just for pleasure, I've managed to fill one and a half shelves from the markets, or 2nd hand stores, or the discount place. Latest pride of purchase was a corker - a giant chunky compilation of short stories published by Playboy magazine. They're in chronological order - going from Nabokov to Kerouac to Theroux and Marquez. Each other has a little blurb on their writing history from the current fiction editor of Playboy (a chick). This one will allow picking up others mid -stream I think.

Anonymous said...

I usually have several going at once. Like, right now, I have Don Quixote, which has been a bedtime project all year; and a book called Nunquam for on the bus; and then on the weekend I was feeling light-n-easy so I read all of I Capture The Castle in one sitting; and I am also dipping in and out of a collected writings of Evelyn Waugh while waiting for Mr Right to cook dinner.

Sometimes I get half way through and leave them for years before I come back. I started reading Middlemarch in January 2000 and I still haven't finished it.