Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Aunty B's book shelf floweth over

Hi fellow booknerds! I seem to be reading faster than I'm blogging at the moment. Must be those dragging summer sun-filled days. So if you're hungry to find out what's been in the bedside pile at B's - you get to vote! (And I don't mean dirty socks and knickers either) Would you rather hear about:

Clash of the fundamentalisms - Tariq Ali
Reading Lolita in Tehran - Azar Nafisi
Playboy Book of Short Stories - Various, including Keroauc, Nabokov et al
100 Years of Solitude - Gael Garcia Marquez
The Infinite Plan - Isabel Allende
The Men Who Stare at Goats - Jon Ronson
Dead Famous - Ben Elton

Ooh the tension is almost too much to bear.


Anonymous said...

I would like a compare and contract on Tariq Ali and the goat man. Please.

J said...

ooh I like voting. I will vote above the line and go for the same as Betty Sue, acshully. But also, explain to me why Playboy is publishing short stories. Did they not realise that everyone that said they read the mag for the stories was not teling the truth? ('I know Siimon, the articles seem so poular let's just publish those and watch our circulation figures go through the roof')

Anonymous said...

Ok kids votes noted. I now have to book flights to NZ and go in 2 days, so the promise may not be fulfilled for a little while