Saturday, February 14, 2009

Reading Trees

I'm on a list about literature and the environment, and someone recently put out a call for recommendations of texts (books and film) about trees. The following list is compiled from people's responses, and includes photographic works, poetry, prose fiction and essay.

Anderson, William (1990). Green Man : The Archetype of our Oneness with the Earth.

Burroughs, John “Maple Sugar Days” Chap 9 and “Flowering Plants” Chap 10 in John Burroughs’ America.

Calvino, Italo (1957). Le Baron Perché. (The Baron in The Trees) (Il Barone Rampante)

Dean, Barbara (1992). “Hunting a Christmas Tree”. In “Orion” reprinted in Finding

Ehrenfeld, David (1997). “The Gingko and the Stump” & “Death of the Plastic Palm” (1998), in “Orion” and also collected in (2002). Swimming Lessons : Keeping Afloat in the Age of Technology.

Fowles, John & Frank Horvat (1979) The Tree.

Geisel, Theodor Seuss (1971). The Lorax

Giono, Jean (circa 1953). L’homme qui plantait des arbres. (The Man Who Planted Trees). Also in a 1987 NFB animated film by Frédéric Back.

Harrison, Robert (1992). Forêts : Essai sur l’imaginaire occidental.

Leopold, Aldo (1949). “Good Oak”, in A Sand County Almanac.

Livingston, John (1986). “Some Reflections on Integrated Wildlife and Forest Management”, The Trumpeter, 3(3)

Nolley, Lance & Berman, Ted (1958). Paul Bunyan. Disney short animated film.

Pyle, Robert Michael (1993). The Thunder Tree.

Rogers, Patiann (1999). “Places within Places” in The Dream of the Marsh Wren.

Sanders, Scott Russell (1993). “Earth’s Body” in Staying Put : Making a Home in a Restless World.

Sanders, Scott Russell (2000). “Heartwood” and “Wood Work” in The Force of Moving

Savard, Rémi (2004). La forêt vive: Récits fondateurs du peuple innu.

Stone, Christopher (1972). Should Trees Have Standing : Toward Legal Rights for Natural Objects.

Terpstra, John (1990) Naked Trees.

Yahgulanass, Michael Nicoll (). The Flight of the Hummingbird.

1 comment:

BSharp said...

And to listen to while reading.."Fake plastic trees" by Radiohead and "A Forest" by the cure, "Feed the tree" by Kirsten Hirsh.