Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Recently read "B is for Burglar" by Sue Grafton. Thanks for the tip-off, Miss J - this was a thrilling over-the-weekend read. Loved the main characters jaded attitute and sarcastic sense of humour, and the attention to detail about the characters in the book.

Now reading:
"The Poisonwood Bible" by Barbara Kingsolver
"Wrong about Japan" by Peter Carey (non-fiction)
"Raw Spirit - in Search of the Perfect Dram" by Iain Banks (also non-fiction, about an author being put in the enviable position of being asked by his publishers to tour Scotland tasting all the different whiskys and writing about them. I read this when I am having a Scotch!!).

Next in queue:
"My life as a fake" (see below)
and then I think it's time for another book by Haruki Murakami - have read "The Wind up Bird Chronicle" and "Norwegian Wood", but we have more in our collection that I haven't read yet.
Then "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer.

More than enough to keep my occupied....

1 comment:

J said...

ooh ooh - I loved Ëverything is Illuminated, let me know what you think. It got better than I thought as i stuck with it.